Monday, August 30, 2010

Teach your child to read

Each step of reading a child's learning leads to
another. Piece by piece to build your child is the recognition that
need a player. During his first six years, most

Talk and listen.

Listen to stories read aloud.

Pretend to read.

Learn how to treat books.

Learn more about printing and how it works.

Identify letters by name and form.

The identification of individual sounds of spoken language.

Writing with sketches andDrawing.

Connect only letters with the sounds they make.

Connect what they already know how to read what they hear.

Advance commitments, which is closer to short stories and poems.

Connect the combinations of letters with sounds.

Recognize that in simple terms for printing.

In summary, what a story about themselves.

Write each letter of the alphabet.

Write words.

Write simple sentences.

Read simple books.

Write to communicate.

Just readPounds.

Children can have more than one of these steps at the same
Time. This list of steps, however, gives you a general idea
As the child is to progress

Talking and listening

From the beginning, children try to imitate sounds
that make us feel. They "read" the looks on our faces
and our movements. That's why it's so important to talk,
smile, sing and act for the child. Listen to talk to you is
Infantsfirst step for the reader, because this helps, dear
to learn the language and words. Listen to talk with your child
first step because it helps readers
her to learn to love language and words.

If the older child, continue to speak with her. Ask
what she does. Ask about the events and
The people in the stories you read together. Let them know that
can be heard carefully what he says. Committingin their
Talking and listening, you are encouraging your child
thinking as she speaks. Furthermore, we show that you respect their knowledge and skills
continue to learn.

Reading Together

Imagine your child sitting on her lap reading a book
him for the first time as different from their talk!
Now he is showing the images. You show them. In a
to clearly explain to you what are the images. Just
You have helped a childthe next step of speaking. You
Showed that the combination of words and images. And you
He began his journey to understand and enjoy books.
While your child is still a child, reading aloud to him
should be part of your daily routine. Choose a quiet time,
As a matter of short time before sleep. This is the
can sleep and rest between games. If you can, read
nestled in the lap or beside you, so that he
feels closeand secure. When you get older, you may need to move
read some like him. If he is tired or
restless, stop reading. Make reading aloud a quiet and
comfortable time that your child expects. Chances
are very good that he is like reading all the more because
from him.

Try to spend at least 30 minutes reading every day and
with your child. At first, not read for more than a few
Minutes at a time, several times a day. While the growth of your child
older, you should be able to tell if he wants to read
for longer periods. Do not be discouraged if you must jump
a day or keep for your program. Just back
to your daily routine as soon as possible. Above all, do
Ensure that reading is fun for both!

What does this mean?

Since the early days, talk to your child about what you
law. You can view pictures and name what is
them. When finished, Ihe do the same. Ask
For example, if you can not find the mouse in the picture, or
To do something fun and useful book. Later, when you
Read stories, read slowly and pause occasionally to think
aloud about what you read. From the moment the child is
to discuss the situation, ask questions about the story of how,
"What do you think happened next?" or "Do you know what a
Palace? "Answer his questions, and if you think
not understandsomething to stop and talk more than
he asked. Do not worry if you occasionally break the flow of
a story to make something clear that is important. Though
do not stop so often that the child loses track of what is
End of story.

Find books!

The books you choose to read with your child, are very
important. If you are not sure that the books are right
to help your child, Ask a Librarian, selected securities.
Create your childBooks when he was a child. Let
hold and play with books made just for kids: libra board
Studio with cardboard and thick pages; pound cloth
that soft and washable, touch-and-feel pounds, or are
Lift-the-flap books that contain surprises for your child
. Exploring Choose books with covers that are large, simple
Pictures of things you see every day. Not be disturbed
If your child chews or throws a book first. Be patient.
Snuggle withChild to talk with great point
Excitement for images of the book will soon catch her
Interest. If your child is a child, you will enjoy
To help select the books you read. As your
Child grows up in a preschool child and kindergartner, the two
You can order books that seem more and more stories are
The words on pages. Even for the books, which have repeatedly look
Words and phrases that can begin to read or recognize
ifShe sees them. Add Until the beginning of the first class to the mix
Leseanfänger some books, including some designed
Books, chapters and books that show you
Photographs and information of real
fiction stories. Choose books with covers that have
large, simple pictures of things she sees every day.
Remember that young children often have more pounds
about people, places and things as they are
. I know books canwhere you live or parts
Their culture, like your religion, your holidays, or
the way you dress. If your child has special interests,
as dinosaurs or ballerinas, look for books on

For years the child precocious child through the first class,
You should also apply to books of poems and rhymes for research. Remember
if your baby could hear noises your speech and tried to
? Imitate Rhymes are an extension of this language
Skills. Listening to and saying rhymes, with repeated
Words and phrases to learn, the child spoke and sounds
About words. Rhymes also spark a child's excitement about
What's next, the fun and adventure created to read.

Show your child that you have read

If you and your child to the library, read a book
for you. Then set a good example to your son
Learn to see for themselves. Ask your child to receive one of
their books and sit with you while reading your book, magazine,
or newspapers. Do not worry if you are uncomfortable with
Their own reading skills. And 'the reading that counts. When
Your child sees that reading is important, they can
Decide that it is important to you, too.

Understanding Printing and Publishing

Reading together is the perfect time for a child late or aid
Top preschoolers learn what is printed. As you read,
Stop from time to time and point of> Letters and words, and the place
the images represent. Your child begins to
Understand that letters form words, and words that name
Images. It will also begin to learn that each letter
own sound - one of the most important things your child
know when you learn to read.

By the time children are 4, most have begun to understand
that printed words have meaning. With five years will begin as
to know that not onlyhistory, but the printed word
you go from left to right. Many children are also
Start for easy identification of certain uppercase and lowercase letters and
Words. In kindergarten or early first grade the child
Please read on their own. Leave him alone! But it is certain that
will. The reading should be something that is proud of its
and willing to do, and not a lecture.

How does the book?

Children are books like "look and feel fascinated. See
I want to see how easy it is to manage and books, and they do
the same thing. If your child watches handle books,
begins to learn that do not break a book to read, or
Throw around. Before she is 3, you can also pick up
and pretend to read, an important sign that begin
to know what a book. As the child becomes a
preschool child, is learning that if your child watches
Dealing with books, she begins to learn that a bookfor

A book has a cover.

A book has a beginning and an end.

A book has pages.

A page in a book has an upper and a lower.

He turns the pages one at a time to follow the story.

Have you read a story from left to right a page.

Like you with your 4 - or 5 years, begin to read, remember
these things. Read the title on the cover. Talk
the photo on the cover. Point to the place where history
starts and later whenends. Do not help your child turn
the sides. When you start a new page to show where the
The words of the story, and look for words
Move your finger under them. It takes time for a child
To learn these things, but if the child does not learn
has solved some of the mysteries of reading.

The first attempts to revise

Writing and reading go hand in hand. As the child
Learn one, learn the other. You can follow some
to make things clear that any possibility
Practice both. When did about 2 years, for example,
Enter the draw to encourage your child crayons and paper to him and
and scribble. You will enjoy the choice of using the colors
and make shapes. How did you and moves the crayons,
You also develop muscle control. When it comes to a delay
Toddler or preschooler soon will be so eager to
How to write law. Your preschool child agedScribbles or
The drawings are his first written. It will soon begin to write
the letters of the alphabet. Writing letters helps your child
Learn about different sounds. His very early learning
About letters and sounds gives him ideas on how to
spelling words. When he began to write it, do not worry
that he did not write correctly. Instead, praise him
for his efforts! In fact, if you look closely, you will see
hedid a pretty good attempt the spelling of a word for
the first time. Later, with the help of teachers (and
You), learn the proper way to spell words. For the
Currently, however, he has taken an important step towards

Reading in another language

If your child's first language is not English, can still
an excellent English reader and writer. She is the
Way to successful English reading if you start
learn manyWords and is interested in learning to read
their first language. You can help support it in its
first language to learn English. Talk shows with his
with her, to encourage them to draw and write. In other words,
Not the kind of activities just discussed, but they do
in your child's first language.

If your child comes for the first time in school, talk to their teachers.
Teachers welcome such talks. They also have time enrollment
Earlier this year,although in general, you can request a meeting
At any time. If you feel you need some support
Meeting with the teacher, ask a family member, neighbor or
someone else in your community to go with her.

If you take the teachers say things that
This discourse and strengthen your child at home
Reading in their language. Let the teachers know how
Important: Read the child is to you and ask for support
for your efforts. Childrencan switch back and forth
reached between the languages have something special. You
should be commended and encouraged, because they work for this

Read and his children every day!

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