Sunday, October 17, 2010

A classic is born - First Christmas by Alastair Macdonald

For Alastair Macdonald there would be no burning bush like Moses saw and there would be no blinding light, like the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus to be seen. All there would be a "gentle nudge" between times and the knowledge that each barely perceptible nudge would lead him to a course of 25 years to write a single book that although very little of the world would be a great chasm to be filled. Every child and many adults now have a bridge to cross the ordinaryEvents in the world of the extraordinary event that changed forever.

British Alastair Macdonald is on the glamorous and romantic Island of Bermuda. In 1985 he went in search of a simple reproduction of the biblical story of Christmas to read to his two young children. Like most children Alastair children were filled with all the luxury of loving Christmas. Santa Claus, gifts, decorations, and the omnipresent sound of singing hymns and taking aparthis children spellbound. But he wanted a book that her children would have touched the heart with the heart of the Christmas story.

Upon his arrival home Alastair felt disappointed and spoke with his wife about it and the surprise he felt at discovering the appalling lack of material that would tell the true story of Christmas. In the midst of despair came the nudge. The push kind God gave him would send a route that will take decades to the birth of "TheFirst Christmas" and a poem that would take its place along side classics like "The Night Before Christmas."

In fact with "The Night Before Christmas" as his model he started out to find a way to tell the story. He wanted to engage classic poetic timing but apply some of the rhyming fun of Dr. Seuss. Accomplishing such a combination without sacrificing any of the dignity and seriousness of the birth of Christ would be no easy task. In the end he chose what is known as "anapestic Tetrameter "for the rhythm of poetry. This rare occurrence does not detract from the easy flow of narrative that will intrigue both children and adults.

Who would be the narrator of the story, this was the first challenge. In the case of Mary and Joseph, the obvious choice? With another gentle nudge Alastair narrator on a given up so close to history and would appeal to all children of the world, the donkey. The very donkey that helped Joseph in his daily work and carpentryMaria finally made his long journey to Bethlehem to give up the world's most powerful yet most humble human being, ever grace the planet earth. With a solid Old Testament name like Zeke from Hebrew (Yechezqel) means "God strengthens" or better known to the English equivalent, "Ezekiel," the story would begin.

Since I have never written poetry before Alastair labored in vain for several years and never gone beyond the first verse. But the thrust of God and is held every yearpulling poetry and try to write a few lines. It 'was a sort of joke in the house Macdonald and her children every year observation "Daddy is writing his poem again."

Using rhyming dictionaries would be cumbersome and inhibition by Alastair found an online rhyming dictionary. Inspiration is kinetic and put the date of the comparison are available on-line dictionary and the difference. Now the search may continue with the nudges and the narrativewould arise. The story began to flourish and started within a few weeks, the bust in a poem right.

All through the many changes and revisions to sign another was looming, which published the poem. First poems published more setbacks than you might imagine. Initially, publishers no longer the work of an author who has not yet published, nor half. In the transom (randomly presented) works are like casting your bread upon the waters very much lessproduction. The unsolicited manuscript may never be returned at all, or even if you do not want reviewed. A simple declaration of a traditional publisher can take between three months and one year. few publishers are interested in a book with a religious theme especially in collaboration with a well-known and often repeated theme as the birth of Christ.

Even while making a few submissions Alastair was undaunted and began the search for an illustrator for the book to find. Again, this would be aprolonged effort, but the employer had met Alastair someone to push a world away to help with the first Christmas. Macdonald ignored the fact that most of their own illustrators and publishers as the final product that we can be glad that he chooses to.

Alastair's daughter, an accomplished artist, tried to help his dad with some illustrations in the style of the thirteenth century Italian mural artist Giotto. Feeling that the images of cartoon figures also sawAlastair left almost desperate. With nothing to lose everything he has put the "crib" word in a search engine and clicked. Over half a million images and days of searching and then one single artist caught Alastair's attention.

The art of Egyptian born Adel Nassief jumped out the window for viewing Alastair for their first Christmas and he knew he had the right to find an illustrator. Nassief, a Coptic Christian from
Alexandria, Egypt for an overview of life and creating Coptic muralsfor the Orthodox churches around the world. Much of his work is in bright colors and gold leaf tempura made. With the communication, just e-mail Alastair and Adel limited to an agreement. He would have had about twenty photos in the traditional manner with tempura and gold leaf on wood panels.

Communication only via e-mail and photos Alastair had never actually seen the original work nobility had, until aristocracy provide some images of a Coptic church in Dallas, Texas. As a writerapartment in Dallas They arranged to be committed to the originals included in a container for the church in Dallas. Alastair said he was "blown away" when the first front of my eyes on the original artwork. Adel had "himself and all the expectations Alastair ever surpass him!

Now both images and poetry has made a fake book and began distributing various publishers. The responses improved but still no one wanted to book a vacation. Return to starting point.

In 2007, AlastairWelcome Books approached, a publisher of illustrated books, but especially for adults. Including not heard of him the opportunity to visit home while returning from vacation and release their sleep in a hotel in New York near Welcome's office. After meeting with Lena Tabori the principle of pleasure books, and a general review of a 90-year-old artist, the request was at the meeting were the wheels in a short time another meeting was planned inPlans have been completed and the rest is history.

From simple pushes convergence of author, poetry, Coptic artist, experienced publisher and 25 years as a persistent, something has been born. It is the birth of something that is about the birth of someone. The birth of Jesus Christ, our world is irreversible and the birth of Alastair Macdonald's "The First Christmas", the last part going to change until the end of his time. By the end of the period of "goodMessages "ever aired, and now Alastair Macdonald and Zeke will always be a part in the history of the good news first proclaimed by the angels.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not! Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy for all people of good news. To you is born in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10 11)

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