Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Interview with SK Whalen, author of the Icelandic Rooke - The prophecy of the wide-eyed

Sue Whalen grew up in a natural wilderness park in North Vancouver, BC, Canada. His parents, at that time were the guardians of the park and ran a shop, a concession of food and gifts for the thousands of visitors who enjoyed the park each year. A rain forest of huge old Douglas-fir, hemlock and red cedar trees, surrounded the family home. Twin-covered peaks, deep gorges and a world-famous suspension bridge was the panoramic view from the window of hishome. The suspension bridge swaying 20 stories above the roaring Lynn Creek. Sue loved hiking, mountain trails, swimming and fishing in the creek. Reflecting, Sue, said it was these early years that shaped their stories and love for nature. Sue now lives in Fall River, Nova Scotia to live with her husband Ken and their adult children and grandchildren nearby.

nephew of Miss Vicky Sue was assistant of the author. She was the spark and the light of the ongoing story. MissVickie Sue's connection was to the imagination of young readers the most important, Miss Vicky had to like, or you have written.

Tyler: Welcome, I'm glad you and Miss Vickie Sue today could join me. What a great fantasy adventure story you wrote. To get started, you'll learn about the main character, Margery Mutters?

Sue: Well, Margery middle-aged teacher. The story begins with Margery live in a house on top of Old Oak Hill in Canyon City. Youlives alone in a quiet monotone, boring life, really. He loves nature and her garden more than anything else. Margery was an extraordinary woman, but this part is no secret that under his hat, literally under their guard. One of the oddities Margery she is always wearing a hat. As often happens, the hat is very important, a small saw-whet owl of only 4.5 "high is the constant companion Margery and rides in the centerfold of his hat.

Margery is a woman muesli, a mixture ofagain, never the same. He's always high energy, as well as a very caring person. However, often their thoughts and feelings with their actions. Always the optimist through every obstacle and danger, she never gives up and believes that everything will be fine. There is an inner strength that keeps them going, no matter how scared you, she never shows her fears on her face. She often speaks before he acts or thinks it is very easy to upset people far Richtertoo fast, they look when they do not, and often shows poor manners at the table. What's more, we prefer to keep a proper lady, you are the kind, abstemious and quiet sipping tea. It 's a woman the right way and know the difference. Margery is embarrassed, confused, and climbs into a tizzy when their conscience wakes up and realizes how their actions are rude.

Tyler: Why did you feel like someone like Margery, with the specificStrengths and weaknesses that you just mentioned, it was appropriate or even funny story for your novel?

Sue: The character of Margaret is a woman of credible every day, not a magical person, not a superstar, a cliché, or a cookie cutter character. Perhaps as a grandmother, an aunt, or the person is down the road. Why does it work? As the reader can identify with her, and some of their magical journey. It is not boring because even the smallest imperfection Igreatly exaggerated. The child would have laughed at her, a teenager could love their strength, their fears, their doubts. Older people and older people can see for yourself.

The plot, situations, the owls were scenes ever written in the first draft and then I would write about Margery. I found his character in three dimensions, strengths and weaknesses, and gave her some terrible habits of more depth. This made it easier for me to give her a wide range of conflicts of interest and adventurewhere the results were not predetermined and unpredictable. At the same time, I did grow Margery through the process of the novel as an adventure.

Tyler: Who Margery inherit the island? What happens that brings them Rooke's Iceland?

Sue: We learn that she has inherited a situation in the island of their long lost uncle when a mysterious letter, is unusual. Your life changes the moment he touched the letter, it is as if the lettergrabs, his control and make her whole world upside down. Your trip to Iceland Rooke start with this time.

Tyler: Before you reach the island, Margery stops Alwyn Village, where he met some interesting people. Want to tell us who you are?

Sue: The characters of Alwyn Village is a comic cast, including: the Sydney repellent Snog, the loquacious Gabriella (Gabbi) Mooley and their abominable Purple Inn. Of course there are the lazy good for nothing Dicky Men Doolittle,Men Hector Dodge and let us not forget the macaroni and cheese colored cat Mr. Dinky. There is a shop owner, the perfect Puddley Peter, and the owner of Kettle's Kafe, the carpenter cups of water in the boiler and its always so nice fat woman talkative Snippy Lippy.

Tyler: What do you think of the Village Alwyn Iceland Rooke's? If you are curious or nervous Margery there?

Sue Tyler, retired for hundreds of years, Margery's uncle and great uncle, guardian of the island. WithGuns on their shoulders to ensure criminals do not set foot on the island. The villagers are just tired of the secrecy, rumors and speculation go wild. Margery traveling to the island, but also has a crazy old owl who has lost his mind following his and an owl made entirely of shells appear in their dreams. With all this going on, she is very nervous the fear of the unknown by a constant abdominal pain. I must say that it is more than odd nervous and pusheslocated on the island. The story is written so that you know her curiosity won.

Tyler Rooke Iceland is a completely different and magical fantasy world, or is it still bear some resemblance to the everyday world?

Sue Rooke Iceland is on the surface looks like any other island in the real world. The fantasy world is far below the island. upper soil, Lower Austria and the world inside the earth, the island is divided into three levels called. The upper surface of the earth, the islandHome of the inhabitants of the earth owls bottom of the Earth, the realm of the owl folklore, trolls, fairies, elves, gnomes and owls. The inner Earth is miles deep in the nucleus in the center of the island, where hundreds of ancient live owls. The king of all the owls, his queen friend of the sea, hundreds of soldiers of the Ings owls, hundreds of Indigo owls in daylight. And the owl, the scroll, which keeps the prophecy for the future of the owls.

Tyler:Tell Margery meeting with the Owls on the island?

Sue: Each chapter has a new spell with the Owls meeting, sometimes with an owl, sometimes hundreds of owls. Parliaments of owls live and work in each of the plans on the island. All the owls are very important to the prophecy.

Tyler: Sue, you can about the prophecy of staring eyes? What is the prophecy, and why is it important?

Sue: First, all eyes are owls on the islandand on earth. The prophecy was written in the past, but is the future of the owls. As written, the time and followed all the details of prophecy or owls to wait another thousand years before a new king of owls can be born. It 'important that the king so strong owls owls' wisdom' can continue to rule the birds of prey have. Margery arrives just in time to deploy the Owls prophecy.

Tyler: Did Uncle Margery live with owls and know about them. It was the reason whyhave kept the people of 'island?

Sue: The owls were part of the island, long before the ancestors of Margery, his uncle was the Rookes town. My uncle was part of the owl and the owl kingdom by the Council, are "without feathers", called by the owls. The Owls need them to keep people on the island and the secrets of the owls'. Margery When everything is ready for her, she had a beautiful modern home and garden. His uncle built a huge barn calledScared barn. The barn is home to the Owls Parliament from all three levels of 'island. Prophecy is the king of all the barn owls called Eyking read.

Tyler: Sue, without the ending away, would you say that Margery learns something because of their experience in Iceland Rooke's?

Sue: Our Margery-that's what Miss Vickie and I like to call it. The Owls need them, the prophecy would never have without their help. The best part ofMargery is that they are as wise as the wise old owl. You will see Margery adapt and become stronger, as it integrates into the world of Owls', and is woven in the prophecy. It 's more peaceful, happier, more understanding and show great patience with the owls. Not only is the real world and the fantasy world of Rooke Iceland, one compensates for the owls and nature.

Tyler: You mean then that Margery really more in touch with nature and animalsas owls than people?

Sue: Margery, a teacher has the knowledge and experience with a natural tendency for the intuitive perception for the people and the owls. He wants a part of both worlds and are definitely meant to be a recluse, like his uncle. I think that age helps in the classroom with the children understand it all, the personality of the owl. 'S dedicated to them. Owls are the most important thing in theirLife.

Tyler: Miss Vicky, I understand Margery, a fellow young. Can you tell us something about him? It was his idea that a younger companion Margery have?

Miss Vicky: You're right, it is a boy of 14 years. He is special, holds a mystery and a promise Uncle Margery. I do not remember whose idea it was, he seemed to always be in history. Margery needs him, and he helps to build things. I remember his eight years, Megan's sister was myIdea and it looks exactly like me.

Tyler: Sue, how does the idea of "Rooke's Iceland?

Sue: When I was young, I often visited my aunt was Margery, collected owl figurines. Owls had all his house. Back in the day, picking something for everyone. My aunt never had children, so when she was 94 years, she packed all her owls for the last time in his life and sends it 8000 miles by truck, car, plane and my home. I think the owls were sleepingStatues in her home for over 70 years. From the perspective of my life, I first saw the owls when I was four years old, I graduated from school, drove to the Navy, was married had children, my children are grown, had children and then Owls came into my life.

Owls in two large boxes arrived, 312 on Friday before. I know why Miss Vickie came to my house on Friday and she was only six years old when the box came. We opened the boxes and they both stared at hundreds of packages of smallGrave mounds of plastic bubble wrap. We check carefully packed each owl, we were so intrigued we place on the shelves every owl glass wall in a room. The dining room is called Peach said where it all began, the owls magical story through their eyes. The little owl figurines, has traveled across Canada, is a fantasy in Canada.

Rookie Iceland, may have a history shows nothing if the timing is right. The story bridges generations, starting with my aunt. Yes, this is the main character namedafter her. Why not? Without her owl collection there would be no story. All of us prove that it is never too old and never too young to dream of a story together. It 'been 90 years between my aunt and my niece.

Tyler: This is a wonderful story, really a story about Sue and women of different generations come together to tell the story. What do you think your aunt would tell you today if it were written about her and her owls knew?

Sue Tyler, my aunt lived twoYears later he sent an owl to me. Once a week I would call from British Columbia. During talks this week. they would always do an update of the story. He loved the fact that I used his name, could not believe his collection came to live in a fantasy world. She laughed a lot about character and personality of the owl. The funny thing is, he wanted to be just like Margery, Margery, and got married. It 'was like they wanted to live my writing. IAlwyn compromise Village is the first and second name of my uncle on the river is called Lady Rooke Iceland-Cap, which is an abbreviation of Ladysmith and Capilano was the place where my aunt and uncle.

Vickie and I together an end, before my aunt died. Although it was two years before they actually finished the book is the end, we wrote for them. My aunt has promised me that I published. I'm sure you'd like the book, I sent to manyolder friends, the owl collection points and received wonderful letters and notes back a few.

Tyler: Sue, tell me how you started and Miss Vickie tells the story of an owl. Do you remember when it started?

Sue: I remember the day, the Owls put on the shelves Miss Vickie and I have called them. At first it was just for fun, we acted out stories of owls. The first story was the worst two characters called the largest and Eaton and Ardyth, we had a dayAnti-B, the Owls have defended island. We Ardyth Eaton and the last of the prehistoric animals on earth, great warriors. This first story has chapters. (Chapter 11: Meeting of Eaton, and chapter 14: do owls).

It 'was an owl arrived with the names scratched on the ground. When I was seven I Eaton recorded on the ground, without the knowledge of my aunt. Miss Vicky decided to have this name and my aunt never knew what I had done.

Tyler:Miss Vicky have one of the characters?

Miss Vicky: No, I was only six years, we've done when I was nine, almost ten. Now I am twelve. We would like to talk about what would happen if I become the next Friday we have in place the next chapter would come. I would say that I liked what I did. There was a lot of rewriting.

Tyler: Sue, you say you had a literary influences from other children's books that can be read as a child?

Sue: My favorite book of all childhoodThe time is "Alice in Wonderland." I have read many times and always discover something new.

Although "Rookie Iceland" was written for young readers, to my surprise I have the following information. Maybe, "Rooke's Iceland" is something else, who reads it.

A note from a woman aged 85, said: "I found it interesting that you are accompanied by an elderly lady with the wisest of wise beings in the world of birds."

A girl aged 16, wrote in his report book "Margery is afoiled, sometimes you have no idea what to do, just like me. It must be fifty, and change their lives overnight;. Well, this is cool "

A woman of 50 years, wrote: "I read the book twice, I'm just a guy from the heart, we like the graying planet which certainly we do not care how old or wise we are, or owls, the people that we can . the future, not predict. "

Tyler: Miss Vicky, must have been fun to help write a book. What were some of my favorite things you have inwriting the book?

Miss Vickie: I named most of the owls. I drew the maps in the book, did you notice the maps are owl shaped, and I took the owl pictures. It first started out with storytelling and pretending, and acting out, we never thought it would be a book. I had fun also after the book was published helping with bookmarkers, posters, Rooke's Island T-shirts, owl cards for each of the owls (like baseball cards). We have done two signings and a book fair that was fun, and this is my second interview.

Tyler: Miss Vicky, you have a favorite chapter?

Miss Vicky: Yes, Chapter 9, "The secrets of the giant sequoias," because we sat near a huge tree on the street near our lake. The huge tree has roots that I have called the root super highway, because I was so small I could barely climb was through the roots. It could be argued that the flap would open the tree and went to the trunk, and sit on a roller coaster and go under the lake.

I also like the third chapter, "TheIncident at Kettle's Kafe. "I like the last page. It 'was an accident that we have seen in a bar when we were out for breakfast. I asked my nanny to editorial asking to change anything. The editor said he did not change, that It 'been fun as it was.

Tyler: Miss Vicky, what do you think now? Do you think it will continue to write books or do you think of being anything other than an author?

Miss Vicky: My brother and sister want to be part of the forthcoming bookbut I'm sure I will help. I am a skater and I skate three hours a day, so I do not have much time.

Tyler and Sue, are you going to write other books, perhaps even a sequel to "Rooke's Iceland?

Sue: I had a sequel in mind and started writing songs and character formation.

Tyler: Sue, before you go, tell us where readers can obtain more information or a copy of "Rooke's Iceland?

Sue: Yes Tyler, you can buy "Iceland's Rooke"online from my publisher, iUniverse or Amazon and Amazon Kindle Books, Barnes & Noble, Borders, (Canada).

Tyler: Thank you both for today. I think it's wonderful that you have a great relationship and may have a way of working. I wish you good luck for the preparation of your future dreams come true.

Tyler R. Tichelaar of Reader visits was pleased by SK Whalen (Sue) and her niece, Miss Vickie connected, to talk about his new book"Rookie of Iceland: The Prophecy of the wide-eyed," iUniverse (2007), ISBN 9,780,595,445,455 th

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