Saturday, October 2, 2010

The story of Willie the Humpback Whale (a funny and touching story)

Note: This book has been out of print for 20 years who was working on new, only more Slightly grammatical errors were corrected with a little punctuation changed together, and the provision of quotations, and the elimination of letters of random words, not enabled by default from the original [originally, used for emphasis], revised 9 / 2002.

A funny and touching story

The story:

Willie the Humpback Whale

A PoeticHistory
Dennis Siluk

1982 Pulitzer Entry

Fourth Edition-Revised Edition, 10/2002, after 20 years
Illustrated by the author
Before printing, l982
Before printing, l983 [April]
Third edition: l983 [Revised Edition]
Fourth revised edition [Risen 10/2002]

Copyright 1982 by: Dennis Siluk

Willie sailing clubs


Willie was a humpback whale
Who led the Pacific Ocean
Who had a different kind of tail?
[Nottwo ribs - but three]
Willie was depressing its tail
In any event,
So, to satisfy its disgusting
He sailed in circles all day -
Not far from Lighthouse.

Mama Whale

To his mother, Marlene,
Willie often said:

"I wish I had
It was not -
My tail is
What is so unusual? "

Had to meet
With a song:

"O Willie, my son!
Can not you see?
It is not the tail:
Your feelings. "

Father Whale

Elmo and his father
- A mammal without fear -
Willie would have said:

"I wish I would have been different -
Maybe a camel. "

He would have answered
With a groan:

"Willie my boy
And 'what's inside
This will help us grow! "

Baby Blue
(A blue whale)

His friend
Baby Blue Whale,
Willie often said:

"I wish I could bite
From my tail odd. "

O Baby Blue
Jumping up anddown

"I never noticed"
(With a frown).

Elmer (an elephant seal)

And Elmer,
An Elephant Seal
(Who would have toys from the Pacific
Willie whispered:

"If my cock was gone
I do not want me anymore. "

But equally,
Elmer replied:
"O Willie, Willie O -
God's going to live or die! "

Wanda (a seagull)

And Wanda Gabbiano
Who would perch on the back
Willie cry:

"This fucking mine
I amsad. "

Wanda would talk
- Giggling with one voice:

"If all things were the same
He had no choice to be. "

Part II

during a sail in April
Willie hit a shock, female;
He said with a smile and pull:

"If it were not for my dick
I could be her friend. "

So he swam away with a defeat

"I'm not good enough to satisfy
This beautiful humpback, female (Emily)
Whoever follows me while browsing.

Emily (a female humpback whaleWhale)


He followed Willie
(Watch her sweet sad smile)
Hearing complain about every mile.

By contrast,
(With a frown on his face)
Leaving Willie and his sound sad -
The item headed north.

Willie continued to feed
His unhappy feelings
(In the Pacific, out of sight):
Sailing alone with a tear -
Joke - compassion for his life.



There was a passage Day
Willie angry
To his old ways;
Out of the corner
He turned around an injected
Creating a wave -
Wal could not fit;

The wave is Willie
Atlantic that day.

If Willie awoke
- Thousands of miles from home -
He said
inflated with a smile:

"I see so many whales
By strange thing! "

Willie hearing voices


Willie heard voices
From a distance

"Welcome,> Welcome
Whoever you are;
Do not shy away -
Humpback Whale -
There is room for everyone to sail. "

Sailing closer
Willie muttered
(With a
unhappy sigh):

"My name is Willie
I have the tail and odd
It 'difficult to live ... "

Said Randy, a goose-beaked whale:

"As you can see,
I have small tail
And surf without fins, to help me. "

Randy (the goose-beaked whale)

"And there is Humpty
A bottlenose dolphin whale
He says it'sdifferent
Because of his nose
But he says he has many goals in life. "

Humpty (a iperodonte)


"Grin and teeth Alfred
- A Right Whale races -
It can not smile your teeth are out of place;
But he's like to laugh

- He says:
He is happy. "

And Norma, a whale Narwhal
He has a sword for the nose
- This is difficult for sailing -
She says she does not care
The nose is unknown.

And yes! Willie, my friend -
SayTurning tail,
If I find only an extra
For sailing. "

Norma (a Narwhal whale)


"It can not be used for speed
And splash of water;
For a good time with friends,
For the laughs.

Because it shows lack of respect
For your interior ...
With an additional fin -
This is something different for your eyes. "

Willie then thought with relief

"Why should not I be satisfied?

Because I'm blind
In that wonderful cock of mine. "

Part IV

As Willieturned 'round
He saw a female humpback wrinkle in the forehead,
Whispered to Randy:

"I saw the Pacific Ocean."

Randy replied note:

"She has a tail like you.
She is here for a while '-
With tears and smiles. "

Now Willie remembered on this day
(Last April, as Emily sailed his way)
O has sworn on the tail - every mile!
And they had to sail.

With a cheerful face, approached
Emily and her frown,

With a gentle smileThen he said:

"What a great third fin wear
'Round. "

Willie and Emily sailed
Smile anyway
Sprinkle tail around Fin-
Create a monster sound.

They have never been seen as
But Randy knows that they are:
Because if there is a flood -
He says, "you can bet on
Willie and Emily are in the game. "

Willie and Emily Sailing Away

Comments on the book "Willie the Humpback Whale by first gradersAscension School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (l983):

"What I learned from Willie. Willie tells me things are good, like a funny"
- Student Unknown

"Now I'm happy my tail and fins to help me, big waves."
- Cedric Allbritton

"I love you, Willie.'re In good. I love you, Emily, you're good to me."
- Minnie Williams

"I have no front teeth and I still I still like (Alfred)."
- Larry Kamau

"Just because you do notgot what other people have and you see things differently, you're still good and you do not need noise. "
- Lucretia Burgess

"I do not know, does not like my fins. Wine, Willie. That's fine I still love you."
- Lucretia Burgess

"Willie does not like the tail, and he said feelings. He changed his mind because his cock was still a good auction."
- Bridget Dols

"Willie helps me to be happy when I do not like something."
- Endeavour Curry

"Willie was good at the end because heabout how they thought could splash a lot. "
- Slaughter Dath

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